Homeopathic Treatment of Migraine --
Homeopathy, as we know is a holistic method of treating patients. Same approach is (or should be) maintained when it comes to treating migraine cases in any age group. One cannot take just the diagnosis of migraine into account while treating these types of episodic headaches homeopathically. Complete physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the patients should be given importance and remedy found after careful evaluation. Symptomatic approach is the best suited approach in any migraine case and rarely have I come across a migraine case that fails to respond to efficient homeopathic therapy. In adolescence age group, proper psychological counseling and stress management are important auxiliary regimens to be advised by homeopathic expert.
Here is the list of some of the important homeopathic remedies that can be tried in cases of migrainous or periodic headaches—
(1) Natrum mur-
- One of the top remedies for headaches
- Throbbing variety
- Headache starts in the morning after getting up and remains till sunset
- School-girl headaches those suffer from anemia
- Pain as if numerous hammers are thrusting on the brain
- Semi-lateral headaches, migraines, with nausea and vomiting
- With heavy aching eyelids
- In migraine, has an aura in numbness and tingling in tongue, lips, nose etc, before the attack sets
- Headache associated with sinusitis, when attack sets in after catching cold
- Ill-effects of grief, worry, fear etc
- Worse, from noise of any kind, music, heat, mental exertion; better on empty stomach, open air, pressure, sleep
(2) Belladona-
- acute headache that starts suddenly
- sensitive head to least contact
- fullness in forehead
- associated with constant moaning
- ill effects of catching cold or having a hair cut
- pulsations felt in head
- aggravated by lying down, noise, jar, afternoon
- better by pressure and semi-erect posture
(3) Gelsemium-
- headaches associated with vertigo
- spreading from occiput or located at occiput
- tension headaches
- dull pain with marked heaviness
- heavy drooping eyelids
- band feeling around head
- temporal headaches that occur after exposure to sun
- soreness in neck with headache
- may be delirious
- blindness may precede headache
- foggy weather aggravates and so does anticipation about anything
- better by profuse urination, open air and lying with head high
(4) Glonoine-
- worsened Belladona headache, throbbing variety more on left side
- head feels large when it aches
- peculiar sun-headaches with dizziness
- headache brought on by menstrual suppression
- congestive headaches with irregular circulations; pulsations felt in head, ears and all over the face
- any type of occupational headache brought on by working near or with heat
- can feel surging of blood to head
- despite heaviness, cannot lay head on pillow
- headache in a child that attended campfire the day before
- associated with sparks before the eyes
- < sun, jar, stooping, hair cut, peaches, lying down
- > brandy, after sun sets
(5) Onosmodium-
- migraine headaches
- associated with loss of or deficient memory
- marked state of confusion
- headache starts in the morning on waking up
- areas affected- occiput, temporal region, and mastoid
- associated with heavy dull eyes with pain in eyeballs
- worse using eyes, left side, movement
- better by cold drinks and eating
(6) Chamomilla-
- Sudden onset headaches with excessive irritability
- Throbbing pain in half of the head
- Patient bends head backwards in the hope to relieve
- Associated with hot clammy sweat on forehead and whining restlessness
- < heat, anger, vexation, windy weather
- > wet weather
(7) Ignatia-
- Headache as if a nail driven through the sides
- Crampy pain over the root of nose
- Headache from anger, acute grief, etc
- Emotional causes always lead to headache first
- Marked congestion
- Hysterical headaches
- Hollow-feeling of head that is aggravated by stooping
- Sobbing lady with headache
- < warmth, after meals, smoking, coffee, > change of position frequently
(8) Sanguinaria-
- peculiar right sides sun headaches
- marked periodicity
- begins in occiput, settles over the eyes (More on right side)
- menopausal headaches
- pain in spots over head
- associated with burning in eyes and red burning cheeks
- feels as if a flash of lightening hitting at the back of head
- > sleep, lying down, < sweets, touch
(9) Iris versicolor-
- Typical acidic headaches
- Headache associated with lots of acidity
- Marked nausea, lack of appetite, and burning along the alimentary canal
- During mental strain, performs well but once it’s over, develops sick headache
- Frontal headaches with nausea
- Migraine with aura settling in eyes with a blur before eyes, followed by dull constricted headache for long time
- continued motion
(10) Nux vomica-
- headache with vertigo, especially after night-watching
- headache from over-exertion, tobacco, alcohol, coffee
- marked sensitivity to touch
- frontal headache > by pressing hard
- headache associated with constipation, nausea
- sun headaches
- head feels sore and distended
- associated with photophobia, neuralgic pain in eyes, and watering of eyes
- worse in the mornings, after eating, cold; better after a good nap, evening, rest
Thanks to Dr. for her article on Migraine disease which is very common in ladies. I request you pl. always publish such type of article on various common disease
ReplyDeleteplease show some light on fibroids and its management in homeopathy.
Sure. Will do soon. Thank you for your interest. Keep following.