Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Our Online Counseling Sessions are back!

(For appointments, please email - contact@drshreya.com. Please note that the counseling sessions are conducted in one of the following languages only - English / Hindi / Marathi / Kannada) 

Since last 2 years, at drshreya.com, counseling sessions were not conducted due to varied reasons, some personal and some professional. But thanks to the patronage of our patients and friends, we kept getting queries about the same, asking when we are going to restart. Good news is that from June 2019, we have restarted our counseling sessions for all the age groups as earlier.

Here are the pointers --

·         As our patients / clients / friends know, we have a protocol according to which we first choose the patients that opt for counseling; whether they actually require counseling or mere medicinal line of treatment is enough for them, along with some auxiliary measures that are suggested. Please keep in mind that the counseling is inclusive of physical, mental and emotional conflicts in all age groups.

·         Once the patient is slotted for counseling, they are given the means of counseling –
(1) Online through video counseling or
(2) Telephonic counseling or
(3) Email counseling

·         Time slots are provided as per the convenience of the patients.

·         Patients are suggested to give their brief history and the reason for which they have opted for this service so that during counseling we do not lose much time in the primary data collection. This has to be done by patients in written format and sent to contact@drshreya.com.

·         After the completion of formalities, the sessions are conducted, during which a thorough analysis and evaluation of the problem is done and depending upon the outcome and the satisfaction of the patient, repeat session / treatment / or any other line of therapy is suggested.

So, let’s begin the journey towards a healthy body, mind and psyche, because the balance and harmony among these three is the only means to attain Real Health!

My Sincere Namaste to All!

Dr Shreya